Worsall Village Hall
Worsall Womens' Institute
The Women’s Institute is the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK. It exists to educate women to enable them to provide an effective role in the community, to expand their horizons and to develop and to pass on important skills.
Worsall WI celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2012. On 12th May 1922 a meeting was held in the schoolroom under the presidency of Lady Blake to consider the desirability of forming a Womens’ Institute in Worsall. 90 years later it is still in existence.

Programme for 2022 coming soon
2nd Monday of the month at Worsall Village Hall 7.15pm
Details correct as at October 2021.
Jan Gibb - 01642 893007
Vice President
Gail Sidgwick - 07753841177
Heather Wills - 07902232911
Margaret Platts - 01642 780538
Anyone wishing to become a committee member / have a particular role - please make it known
Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition........................ (Marilyn Monroe)